
“It was hard to say where the tree left off and the vine began.”

– Andrew Solomon, The Noonday Demon

Depression steals your light.

Solomon compares depression to an oak tree entwined and suffocated by a vine.

Like the vine, depression weaves its way into our body and mind, fusing so profoundly that it is difficult to tell where we end, and depression begins.

Sometimes depression is so subtle that we don’t’ recognize it, but we sense that the “hue” of life has changed.

Other times, depression is unmistakable. Suddenly, our world turns upside down, taking our purpose and joy away. The vine grows swiftly, and we wonder if things will ever be the same.

Melody’s* life seemed perfect…

…a home, stable job, husband, and new daughter.

She believed that the stress of life and the growing tension at home would subside. She thought, “What marriage doesn’t change with a newborn?”

Melody’s world turned upside down when her husband said he wanted a divorce. Seemingly overnight, he moved in with a new woman and served Melody divorce papers.

Melody’s vine grew tighter. She was crushed, betrayed, embarrassed, and scared. How could she care for her daughter alone? What would people think of her divorce?

She kept trying to move forward – working, caring for her daughter, accepting some help but never letting people into her life.

She tried to be strong for her daughter, but she felt more run down and disconnected from life day after day. Over the next few months, Melody gained weight, disengaged from friends, and slept more and more.

She knew she couldn’t continue like this, but she didn’t know where to turn.

Melody joined Healthy Mind Psychology.

Melody’s friend recommended Healthy Mind Psychology, and despite reservations, she made her first appointment.

At first, she focused on everything she was doing wrong. She felt angry, betrayed, and like she was failing her child.

But over time, Melody found words to describe her marriage and needs. She discovered that she always carried the emotional load for her marriage and family and recognized that pleasing others came before caring for herself.

Little by little, day by day…

Melody started to carve out time to take care of her body, mind, and spirit.

She saw the positive impact the change had on her relationship with her daughter, and she came to recognize herself as a strong mother and person, deserving of love from others.

Melody pinpointed the thoughts and beliefs weighing her down, with many reinforced throughout her life. She learned new tools and reshaped her view of herself and the world.

Melody pruned back the vine, let others into her life, and refreshed healthy friendships.

She started dating again by setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing her needs.

Depression treatment can change your life.

Life is challenging in many ways – relationships end, obligations mount up, and our pasts creep into our present. In fact, every year nearly 10% of people in the United States experience a period of depression.

I have worked with clients for over a decade, and I can tell you every experience is unique. For some, depression is an “old friend” they’ve carried for years, and for others, depression roars into life following a painful event.

Depression may be familiar to you, but it doesn’t need to steal your light. Healthy Mind Psychology can help you break out of depression and regain a sense of satisfaction and control.

It’s time to destroy the vine. Contact Healthy Mind Psychology today to set up a free 15-minute phone consultation.

*Name and identifying information changed to protect client confidentiality.