Individual Therapy

More Pieces Than Time…

…makes juggling so many roles and responsibilities challenging. Can’t you get a break?

Friends and family tell you that you’re doing great and that you should “get out more” or “not worry so much.” It’s not that easy because you’ve tried. You’ve kept your head down, pushed through, and put others first for a long time.

But you’re still feeling stuck, and now, the strain of grinding through is starting to take a toll.

Do strong people “deal with it?” You hope that’s not the case because you’re tired of just getting by. You want to savor your life and feel in control of your thoughts and emotions.

There’s power in numbers.

Life is difficult – Period.

Chronic stress, complex relationships, and trauma are unbelievably common. We juggle so many roles and responsibilities that it’s no surprise mental health concerns are the norm.

But that does not mean we need to “deal with it.” It means that taking our mental health seriously is wise and essential to a satisfying life.

Why go it alone? We routinely work with others for physical illness, nutrition, exercise, spirituality, and finances to improve our functioning and wellness.

We would never try to set a broken bone at home, so why is there pressure to handle depression, anxiety, trauma, and substance use alone?

Keep the pieces together with Healthy Mind Psychology.

Every year, dozens of people find relief at Healthy Mind Psychology. Working as a team, we clarify what matters, see what works, remove what doesn’t, and get you back in control of your life.

Individual therapy is a personal, confidential space for you. Many clients express that therapy is the only time to step away from their responsibilities and focus on their well-being and happiness. And surprisingly, taking that time allows them to be more effective and present throughout their lives.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. As painfully cliché as this sounds, it is true. We cannot possibly give of ourselves without giving to ourselves. We can try, but over time, we’ll be left exhausted and disconnected from our lives.

It’s time to put your pieces together. Contact Healthy Mind Psychology today and begin building a Life you Love.

If you’re interested in therapy but don’t think in-person therapy will fit your schedule, visit the Telehealth service page to learn about our video therapy or hybrid therapy options.